October 21 , 2021
Day and Hour No Man Knoweth (56 min.)
October 2021 Presented by Rhonda Pickering
The “day and hour no one knoweth” as cited in Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:40 (Matt. 24:36) is a specific event prophesied in scripture connected with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. While the statement remains absolutely true, the “day and the hour no one knoweth” is commonly misunderstood as being the exact timing or the simultaneous fulfillment of all events surrounding the Second Coming. This assumption in light of many scriptures is misleading. We herein examine three contextual clues embedded in this verse: (1) The Day of Trumpets (2) The "Hidden" Day and (3) Ancient Hebrew Wedding Tradition. The prophets Daniel and John the Revelator were both given specific information regarding the timing of endtime events which were to be understood in the last days. The "prophetic appointments" will unlock your understanding of "the day and hour no man knows.