February 01 , 2021
Isaiah Class 25 (9.2B) Our Mission & The Coming of the Bridegroom (1 hr. 44 min.)
Man’s 6,000-year history and the grand culmination of the promises of God to our Covenant Fathers race toward their endtime finale in a grand prophetic drama that was foretold in types and shadows from the beginning of time. The Bridegroom is coming, and His Bride is in the process of awakening and arising to her divine latter-day mission—to follow in the footsteps of her beloved Bridegroom and in the process gain the ultimate victory for her children! Come rejoice with the Bride as we review her promises in the imagery of a Hebrew Wedding—the Feast of Tabernacles—and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Highlights include the “Alignment of the Heels” across the heavens (Ophiuchus & Scorpio, Orion & Lepus, Auriga & Taurus, Hercules & Draco); the woman taken in adultery; women at the well and in the stars; possessing the Gate of Heaven; the labor and delivery of the Kingdom of God; Virgo and her “branches” as seen in the stars and in prophecy; the marriage contract, covenant cups of wine, the gifts of the Bride, and symbols of light and living water.
Reading Assignment: Isaiah 62, 66
Isaiah 28–29 moved to 3.2B; Isaiah 22 moved to 6.2B)
The End from the Beginning, Gileadi (1997) pp. 140–145; (2012) pp. 114–117
¡ Distinct Roles of Men and Women
¡ A Brief Warning before the End